Every year for as long as I can remember, the Mays family have gathered on the banks of the Current River the first night of gigging season. This usually occurs on Sept. 15th of every year. The giggers get their boats ready with lights, generator and gig poles (of course) and head out on the river as the sun sets and the night sky starts to appear. Most of the time the serious giggers go out first (to ensure we have a meal to prepare) and come back for the women and children a little later on. Different members of the family usually bake desserts and bring side dishes to go with the fish, hushpuppies and potatoes. And don't forget the deep fried biscuits! (:Great with butter and apple butter:)
As the first trip returns with the fish, the guys start cleaning and filleting the fish for frying. Curtis Mays is VERY particular about this process. The scoring has to be very close together so that the bones basically disintegrate while frying.
Everyone eats too much and has really good time. Lots of visiting and enjoying each others company occur during this family event. We look forward to it each year.
Philly Cheesesteak Casserole
6 days ago
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